30 Instagram Hashtags Every Reader Will Love May 15, 2021"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." - Toni Morrison Hello my dears. Bookstagram is the go to for...
May 2021 TBR May 9, 2021Hello my darlings. It is already May and I feel as if I haven't had the chance to sit down in my bed and read. I have been reading everywhere...
April 2021 Book Wrap Up May 6, 2021Hello darlings, Happy May! April has been a great month of reading and I was able to read quite a few books from all types of genres. Of course, I...
10 Bookish Apps That Readers Will Love April 24, 2021Hello my darlings. If I am not reading on a physical book or using my Kindle. I am using an app to help me either read or keep up with what...
10 Spring Book Releases I Can't Wait To Read April 18, 2021Hello my darlings. Spring is in the air, which means that spring book releases are officially here. I plan on speaking on a few books that I look forward to...
50 Items To Send Penpals April 10, 2021Congrats on finding penpals and wanting to write others from all over the world! Now, I know writing penpals is the super easy part because it takes a simple piece...