30 Instagram Hashtags Every Reader Will Love

30 Instagram Hashtags Every Reader Will Love

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." - Toni Morrison


Hello my dears. Bookstagram is the go to for readers that love discussing books via Instagram social media. Bookstagram was created with readers in mind and with a new community comes hashtags. I created a list of 30 hashtags that will be fun for you to follow or potentially use in your own captions. I would love to know which hashtags you use in the comments below. In the meantime, enjoy these 30 hashtags. Click on any of the hashtags to go directly to the Instagram hashtag.


1. #Bookstagram - I had to list this hashtag first because its the hashtag that every reader loves to follow, user or search. Its the hashtag behind the Bookstagram brand.



2. #Diversebooks - This hashtag is great for finding books and readers for a focus on diverse books and own voice literature. 



3. #Blackbookstagram - Need to find black literature, look no further than the Black bookstagram hashtag.



4. #Bookaddict - A book addiction is something I believe we are all familiar with and this hashtag will bring you joy.



5. #Bookphotography - Beautiful book photography is perfect for seeing beautiful styled book photography that will make you want to read more. 



6. #MorningReading - Are you a morning reader or an afternoon reader? If you adore reading in the mornings check out this hashtag.



7. #Booksbooksbooks - This hashtag needs no explaination lol. 



8. #Readersgonnaread - When you need to be recognized as an avid reader this hashtag is perfect for you.



9. #Alwaysreading - I wish I could read all the time and this hashtag is perfect for that type of mood.



10. #Currentlyreading - You can see what others are currently reading with this hashtag.




11. #Bookworm - A great hashtag for many beautiful book photography.



12. #Blackmenread - A hashtag collection full of black men reading different books. 



13. #Bookmoments - Whether there are favorite bookish quotes or book reviews -- this hashtag will capture you as a reader.



14. #Amreading - A great collection of people reading.



15. #Fortheloveofreading - A reader's favorite section for reading books.



16. #Cozyreads - Do I need to say more just based on the name lol. 



17. #Booksandcoffee - My two favorite things: coffee & books. *Wink* There's another hashtag called #coffeeandbooks as well.



18. #Bookmemes - I stumbled across this hashtag and let's just say: you will not stop laughing. 



19. #Bibliophile - We all know us as readers are labeled as bibliophiles and this hashtag is a must.




20. #Blackgirlreads - A wonderful collection of book photography and black women reading.



21. #Blackliterature - A hashtag to give you a huge selection of black literature and authors.



22. #Bookrecommendations - A place for even more recommendations for readers everywhere. 



23. #Booksandbeans - I was shocked to know this hashtag was existed and so happy that I found it.



24. #Epicreads - Not only is this another bookish platform but the hashtag is great for finding epic reads.



25. #Readandrelax - A hashtag to show off relaxing with a great book.



26. #Afternoonreading - I know earlier I asked if you are a morning reader, but are you an afternoon reader?



27. #Booklover - Aren't we all book obsessed as readers, this hashtag adds to that. 



28. #Readmorebooks - You can never have enough books and this hashtag contributes to us reading more.



29. #Booknerd - I enjoy being a book nerd, do you? 



30. #Wellreadblackgirl - A great hashtag that was started years ago and has grown tremendously over the years showcasing black lit, black women reading and black authors.



*Bonus* 31. #Freebooks - If you are interested in free ebooks, I highly recommend checking out this hashtag. 


There are so many hashtags that I could list, I just wanted to focus on my top 30 that I look at often. Some of these hashtags are followed by yours truly and used in my own captions on social media. I showcased Instagram hashtags but there are quite a few that can use used on other platforms such as Twitter. I hope that you found some hidden gems and add them to your hashtag stash. Until next time my dears...

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