Reading A Letter

Reading A Letter

Hello darlings. The Seasonal Pages enjoys finding letters at antique shops and thought why not add a special post about a special love letter found at an antique shop from 1910. Below is a written break down of the letter but if you rather here me read it click on the podcast episode titled Episode 2: Reading A Letter to hear how the letter sounds as a podcast. 

Imagine finding a letter from 1910 that was sent from Manhattan, Kansas to Enterprise, Kansas. Fred decided to write a letter to his dear friend Gertie and tell her his feelings in detail. Here are the exact words from the lovely letter from over a hundred years:


My Dear Friend Gertie,


Please do not think this letter rude or imposing for it is not my intention to be either. Gertie, for months I have been thinking about writing to you and at times. I could hardly keep myself from coming to Enterprise to see you, you may be very surprised in receiving this letter but I know you will forgive me if you think this is not called for. Ever since we parted, I have loved you and I have tried my best to forget you. I have went with several girls and have tried to love them but I never could think of them as I did of you. I have never felt hard towards you altho at times it may have seemed so to you but I did it trying to do what you asked me to do -- to forget you.


I did me the world of good when Marie told me that you had asked her to tell me "hello" now Gertie I am sending you a man's love and I do hope with all my heart that you may not shun me or it and regard it as anything else but pure and honest. I do not know how you feal towards me nor have I heard very much about you for a year or two it seems like five years to me. Now if you have any regards for me and have changed your feelings toward me, just one word would make me the happiest man in Manhanttan. Please write to me and tell me weather you will make me happy again. But remember yourself before you remember me.


I wish I could explain my fealings more fully in this letter but one word from you would bring me to your side. Hoping that this letter will not make you feal angry but happy and asking forgiveness for being so insisting. I remain as always your true friend Fred.


Isn't this letter special and different? I typed out word for word how the letter was written and enjoyed not only reading the letter but typing out the person's thoughts. Do you think Fred was able to get the love of his life? Or do you think Gertie did not forgive him for something from the past? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below (:


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