Why Physical Books Are A Joy

Why Physical Books Are A Joy

Hello my darlings. E-books are easier and lighter to carry around, but physical books help you understand, remember and even sleep better. 

Since the appearance of e-books and reading devices the eternal battle has begun: physical books versus digital copies, where many things have been said, analyzed, published, and overall revised about the pros and cons of each. Whereas e-books are “easier” to carry around and store many different books, physical copies have a different approach that allows readers to retain information faster and better.

Many studies have been conducted across almost every country, testing the effects of physical books in contrast with technological assistance, and every outcome had similar characteristics, resulting in physical copies being better for people who want to retain information better, do great academically and sleep for longer periods, among other important aspects.

If you want to know in detail why physical books are a great joy, below you can find the three most important benefits a physical copy can bring to your life.



1. You Retain Information Better

Several studies conducted across the years resulted in people retaining information better when they read a physical book, in comparison to those who engaged in e-books. Areas such as plot immersion, empathy, and connection with the story were the main beacon points taken when addressing the differences of both readings, which ultimately concluded that physical books tend to work better for most people when they need to remember things and just feel part of the story. 

This not only applies to fiction books but study guides and important lecture materials as well. Although e-books are easier to carry on bulk with you, because every edition can be stored in your phone or special e-reading device, physical books are far more comfortable (because you can’t run out of battery or have irritated eyes due to the blue light, among many other things) and easy to make “our own”; the satisfaction of seeing a book that has been read, with the pages a bit folded and de spine opening in a determined part that you read over and over again, can’t be compared with anything an e-book can do for you. 

What’s more, there are several studies pointing out that people who have a library at home, regardless of the number of books, are more likely to succeed academically, thus it encourages children to start reading at a young age and it motivates students to participate in literary activities.

Further, books that have beautiful covers, and resemble one's personal likings, contribute to acquiring them over a digital copy; the feeling of having a physical book extends beyond the contents of it and focuses on the actual appearance of the object too. Limited editions and special covers attract the reader's eye and make people excited to run to the store to purchase it to start reading.


2. You Can’t Get Distracted

Unlike e-books, with a physical copy, you are far less likely to get distracted. In fact, physical books tend to shut everything around you and immerse you in a completely different world. During these days where everything is ruled by phones and computers, it is essential to take a break from technology and engage in nurturing activities like reading to take a break from your routine. 

Because you have fewer chances of getting distracted if you read a physical book, you can retain information better and make a better analysis of the text in front of you. Whether you are reading for fun, personal development, or school, going for a physical copy is always the best option to acquire as much information as possible. In addition to this, physical copies don’t hurt your eyes as much as digital books and they surely don’t give you a headache, which is great for those who want to spend hours and hours enjoying a story or for those who have long study sessions.


3. They Help You Sleep Better

One of the best and most impressive things about physical books is their ability to help you sleep better at night and for longer periods. With e-books, you are unconsciously forced to stay awake, due to the blue light emitted from devices that were made to prevent you from sleeping, promoting that you use all the other apps until you fall asleep; but with a physical book, you’ll get tired after a while if you sleep at night, and will allow you to fall asleep faster and without any distractions.

This is not just a random outcome, thus blue light emitted from technological devices has been said to compromise one’s melatonin levels and circadian cycles that are responsible for our quality and quantity of sleep, according to many scientists and research published since the appearance of social media and e-books.

When you start sleeping better, you are able to get up earlier and start your day differently, be more confident, and have an overall happier mood. It helps you stay productive and get more things done during the day; this is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a good balance between your obligations and your recreation activities.


The Bottom Line

Physical books are a great joy, from their stunning covers to the satisfaction feeling they give to people, books are truly one of the most beautiful things we have created. Digital copies are a great option for brief texts or ones you don’t fancy owning, but physical books will always be better at helping you understand and remember the information.


Regardless of whether you’re reading for school, work, or simple pleasure, physical copies will surely make you achieve your academic and intellectual goals, thus increasing your IQ. I usually read a couple times a week and enjoy every minute that I get the chance to relax with a good book. How often do you read?

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