5 Journaling Prompts

5 Journaling Prompts

Hello my dears! Journaling is becoming more and more popular, with incredible benefits showing at short periods of just starting out. If you’re looking for new prompts to implement on your journaling time, you should definitely check out these five journaling prompts that will help you set the right mood for your day and ease your mind from any negative emotions that might bother you. Grab your journal and a pen, and start writing!





1. Set Your Intentions For The Day


Before you actually start your morning, spend five to ten minutes writing down your intentions for the day to put you in an exciting and positive mood. Your intentions can be anything from “I’ll have a great day today” to even playing a fun game where you guess what might happen as the hours go by, like writing “I’ll receive a free ice-cream today” and looking forward to it.



One of the best things about this prompt is that unconsciously, it makes you align your actions to achieve the things you wrote. If you woke up wanting a free ice cream you wouldn't stay at home all day and wait for it to happen, instead, you’ll go on with your day as usual and perhaps walk by your favorite ice cream hope and see what happens. This reflects towards the rest of your intentions and other aspects of your life as well. Here’s a good prompt template you can customize to fit your liking:



My intentions for the day:


  • Today I’ll have a great day
  • Someone will give me a free ice-cream
  • I’ll be very productive






    2. Gratitude Journal


    A gratitude journal is a great way to practice your journaling skills while being mindful of your surroundings. You can write five things you’re grateful for daily to keep yourself feeling positive and focusing on other things that you might take for granted or forget how valuable they are.



    Here’s a common prop you can implement in your journal whenever you have the time during the day, it doesn't have to be specifically done in the morning, but it is recommended to find a brief gap in your routine to sit down, relax and be grateful for the things you have, regardless of its material form.


    5 things I’m grateful for today:


    1. I'm grateful for…
    2. I give thanks to…
    3. I’m so lucky I have…
    4. Thank you universe/God for…
    5. I appreciate… 


      If you’re not a morning journalist, you can end your day by being grateful for things that happened to you, even if you feel they’re small and don’t count, such as finding a coin on the street or being gifted a coffee in your local shop. Everything counts and makes you feel grateful.





      3. Write About Your Feelings


      When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, a good journaling prompt that can help ease your mind is writing about your feelings, especially the sad and angry ones. It doesn’t need to have a specific form or structure, but it helps to order the information by answering a few questions such as:



      • When did I start feeling like this? This can help you look back into your day and find the main event or situation that made you start feeling differently and start your writing from there. 


      • Am I angry/sad because of something recent or a past event? Sometimes we tend to bottle up our emotions and explode when other small things happen, so it is always best to address the situation according to this.


      • Is this something I can solve on my own? If you’re struggling with other people’s actions affecting your own, you can write about it and let your emotions flow to the paper. It may not actually change your current situation, but it will make you feel better afterward.




            4. Positive Phrases

            Writing down positive and inspiring quotes can help you feel better whenever you need to. Adding your idol’s favorite saying or even things your mom or grandma used to tell you can make great positive phrases to look back at when you’re not feeling your best.


            Pro tip: If you have a special someone that is always giving you precious advice or drops miracle quotes on every conversation, ask them to write it in your journal, that way you can have a small piece of them wherever you carry your book to.




            5. Daily Sentence

            Similar to the point mentioned above, a daily sentence is great for those who live by the quote, in which they can spend a few minutes each morning looking for a positive sentence to base their day around and have a good attitude each day towards life. 


            Good quotes to live by are:

             “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure”. - Paulo Coelho


             “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become”. - Steve Jobs


             “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. - Eleanor Roosevelt



            These five journaling prompts can be fully customized to your likings, the most important thing is to keep practicing and using them to have a positive and grateful perspective of life, that will help you overcome every challenge you face.


            Journaling is a great way to let your feelings and ideas flow, as well as ease your mind from any stress, anxiety, anger, and any other negative emotions you might be feeling. It is a healing tool that can turn into a nice and creative hobby too.

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